1. 进站博士后基本工资标准为16万元/年,包括:省财政博士后专项经费(8万元/年)、院博士后配套经费(4万元/年)、接收单位专项经费(4万元/年),资助2年。
2. 进站博士后的科研启动经费:博士后进站6个月内可申请院长基金博士后科研专项。
3. 我所将按相关文件的要求,做好博士后研究人员在站期间子女入学及配偶、子女流动户口管理等工作。
4. 博士后住房由院统筹解决,不参与院周转房计分排名,租金按照院周转房管理相关政策执行。
1. 超级稻育种研究室
2. 水稻新品种选育研究室
3. 水稻抗病育种研究室
4. 杂交水稻研究开发中心
5. 三系杂交水稻育种研究室
6. 水稻分子育种研究室
7. 稻作新技术研究室
8. 水稻遗传资源研究室
9. 水稻生理生态研究室
10. 功能性水稻育种研究室
1. 申请者与拟合作导师联系,达成明确合作意向后,申请者填写《篮球博彩拟招收博士后人员基本情况表》,合作导师填写《篮球博彩博士后导师情况表》。
2. 工作站组织专家组对申请者进行考核,对申请者的个人情况、工作经历、学术水平、科研能力及研究课题、综合素质等进行深入细致的了解,择优录取,确定拟招收对象,形成招收意见并填写《篮球博彩》。
3. 通知申请者填写《篮球博彩博士后科研人员进站申请表》。
1. 本所专家简介http://www.gdrice.com/zhuanjia.html
2. 本所概况http://www.gdrice.com/about-21.html
3. 博士后工作站文件通知http://x031.annccb.com/rcdw/rcpy/wjtz/
4. 博士后工作站管理办法http://x031.annccb.com/rcdw/rcpy/wjtz/201707/P020170731365085624246.pdf
Postdoctoral Positions
Full-time postdoctoral positions are available all the year round in Rice Research Institute (RRI) of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), China, which is one of the supporting institutions for GDAAS postdoctoral research center. We sincerely invite excellent candidate with a PhD degree worldwide in the related field to perform high-level research on rice sciences in RRI, GDAAS.
A. Treatment to post doctors
1. The basic wage of post doctors is 160,000 RMB/year, which includes: Postdoctoral Special Funds from the provincial finance of Guangdong (80,000 RMB/year), Postdoctoral Supporting funds from GDAAS (40,000 RMB/year), Special Funds from RRI (40,000 RMB/year). The funding lasts for 2 years.
2. Research Starting Funds: Post doctors can apply for the Postdoctoral Special Funds of the Presidential Foundation from GDAAS within the first 6 months.
3. During the post doctors' study in RRI, we will take charge of management jobs, including enrolment for children to school, management of flow household registration of their mate and children.
4. Housing for postdoctors will be organized by GDAAS, and the rent will be charged according to relevant policies of turnover houses in GDAAS.
B. Research directions for postdoctoral study
There are 10 research groups in RRI, and all of them are open for postdoctor application.
1. Super Rice Breeding Laboratory
2. Laboratory of New Cultivar Breeding of Rice
3. Rice Resistance Breeding Laboratory
4. Research and Development Center of Hybrid Rice
5. Three-line Hybrid Rice Breeding Laboratory
6. Rice Molecular Breeding Laboratory
7. Laboratory of New Technology for Rice Cultivation
8. Laboratory of Rice Genetic Resources
9. Laboratory of Rice Physiology and Ecology
10. Functional Rice Breeding Laboratory
C. Procedures for Postdoctoral Enrollment
1. Applicants should contact a co-advisor before application. After a clear cooperation consensus is reached, the forms “Basic information of Candidate Post Doctors of GDAAS”, and ”Basic information of Postdoctoral Supervisors of GDAAS” will be filled by applicants and advisor respectively.
2. Applicants will be evaluated by experts panel organized by RRI and excellent applicants will be accepted, then “Evaluation Form of Post doctoral Station” will be filled by RRI., The criteria of evaluation includes: personal information, working experiences, academic level, research ability, research project and comprehensive qualities. Candidate post doctors will be informed to fill in the table “Application Form for Postdoctoral Fellows of GDAAS”.
D. Contact information:
Please contact us by email at SMITHY234@QQ.COM for any help.
E. Related Links:
1. Expert Introduction in RRI http://www.gdrice.com/zhuanjia.html
2. Brief introduction of RRI http://www.gdrice.com/about-21.html
3. Relevant notification of the Postdoctoral Research Center http://x031.annccb.com/rcdw/rcpy/wjtz/
4. Administrative Regulations of the Postdoctoral Research Center http://x031.annccb.com/rcdw/rcpy/wjtz/201707/P020170731365085624246.pdf